CPython Opcode Instructions

CPython compiles function into bytecode. The opcodes for this bytecode are listed here and can also be found in OpcodeIdentifier. CPython bytecode structure in not stable, and opcode behaviour may change between releases.

General Format

Each opcode will be listed in the following format:

Opcode Name

Python Versions

Stack Prior: ... [expected stack state]
Stack After: ... [new stack state]

Description of Opcode

Example sources that generate the opcode

For instance, the POP_TOP opcode, which pop a single item off the top of the stack, would look like this:


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

Pops a single item off the stack.
Used to discard return value of functions and to manipulate the stack.

Example Sources:
my_fun() # POP_TOP is generated after the function call
         # since the result of my_fun is unused.

Instruction Addressing

Prior to 3.10, instructions are addressed by byte offsets. So the first instruction would have address 0, the second instruction would have address 2, and the third instruction would have address 4. After 3.10, instructions are addressed by instruction offsets. So the first instruction would have address 0, the second instruction would have address 1, and the third instruction would have address 2.

Absolute jumps go to the instruction with the address given by the argument. So an absolute jump with argument 2 will go to the instruction at address 2 regardless of the jump’s address.

Relative jumps go to the instruction that are argument addresses away from it. So a relative jump with argument 2 will go to the instruction at address 3 if the jump is at address 1, or 4 if the jump is at address 2.

Cell Variable Index

In Python 3.10 and below, the argument for LOAD_CLOSURE, LOAD_CLASSDEREF, LOAD_DEREF, STORE_DEREF and DELETE_DEREF correspond to the index of the variable name in the combined list co_cellvars + co_freevars. For instance, if co_cellvars = ['a', 'b'] and co_freevars = ['c', 'd'], the argument to read/modify/delete the variable corresponding to each name would be:

  • 'a': 0

  • 'b': 1

  • 'c': 2

  • 'd': 3

In Python 3.11, the indices for cell variables that do not correspond to parameters are offset by co_varnames. If a cell variable corresponds to a parameter, it uses the parameter index in co_varnames as its cell index. For instance, if co_varnames = ['a', 'x', 'y'], co_cellvars = ['a', 'b'] and co_freevars = ['c', 'd'], the argument to read/modify/delete the variable corresponding to each name would be:

  • 'a': 0

  • 'b': 3

  • 'c': 4

  • 'd': 5

Opcode Listing


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Does absolutely nothing. Exists purely to simplify bytecode generation.

Example Sources:

pass  # `pass` represent a NOP in Python


Python Versions: 3.11+

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

A NOP opcode that CPython uses to perform internal tracing, debugging and optimization checks. Generally put into places where the CPython interpreter enters a function (the start of every function and after yield statements).

Example Sources:

def function():
    # A RESUME opcode is placed at the start of every
    # function.
    return None
yield 10 # A RESUME opcode is placed after
         # each YIELD_VALUE opcode


Python Versions: 3.11+

A NOP opcode that CPython uses to record runtime conditions for the specializing adaptive interpreter. For instance, if CPython detects a BINARY_OP opcode is usually performed on two int, the CPython interpreter writes that information into the CACHE opcodes that precede the BINARY_OP to specialize the BINARY_OP into INT_BINARY_ADD. JPyIntepreter does specialization at compile time using information from type annotation and typeflow analysis.

Example Sources:

# Several CACHE instruction precede the
x + y


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

Pops a single item off the stack. Used to discard return value of functions and to manipulate the stack.

Example Sources:

my_fun() # POP_TOP is generated after the function call
         # since the result of my_fun is unused.


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... second, first
Stack After: ... first, second

Swaps the top two elements of the stack. Used for stack manipulation.

Example Sources:

# Swap in Python 3.10 and below can be implemented as
x, y = y, x


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... third, second, first
Stack After: ... first, third, second

Move the top of stack down by two, raising the two items immediately below it up by one. Used for stack manipulation.

Example Sources:

# FLIP_3 in Python 3.10 and below can be implemented as
# LOAD[z], LOAD[y], LOAD[x], (stack is z, y, x)
# ROT_THREE, (stack is x, z, y)
# ROT_TWO, (stack is x, y, z)
# STORE[x], STORE[y], STORE[z]
x, y, z = z, y, x


Python Versions: >= 3.8 and <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... fourth, third, second, first
Stack After: ... first, fourth, third, second

Move the top of stack down by three, raising the three items immediately below it up by one. Used for stack manipulation.

Example Sources:

# FLIP_3 in Python 3.10 and below can be implemented as
# LOAD[w], LOAD[z], LOAD[y], LOAD[x], (stack is z, y, x, w)
# ROT_FOUR, (stack is w, z, y, x)
# ROT_THREE, (stack is w, x, z, y)
# ROT_TWO (stack is w, x, y, z)
# STORE[w], STORE[x], STORE[y], STORE[z]
w, x, y, z = z, y, x, w


Python Versions: >= 3.2, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... top
Stack After: ... top, top

Duplicates the top of stack. Used to preserve a stack value that is used in multiple operations.

Example Sources:

# Python 3.10 and below
a == b == c


Python Versions: >= 3.2, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... a, b
Stack After: ... a, b, a, b

Duplicates the top two elements of the stack.

Example Sources:

a[b] += a[c]


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item_i, ..., item_2, item_1
Stack After: ... item_i, ..., item_2, item_1, item_i

Copies the item at the given 1-based index in the stack to the top of stack. The item is not removed from its original position.

Example Sources:

# Python 3.11 and above
a == b == c


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item_i, ..., item_2, item_1
Stack After: ... item_1, ..., item_2, item_i

Swaps the item at the given 1-based index in the stack with the top of stack.

Example Sources:

# Python 3.11 and above
a == b == c


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... operand
Stack After: ... result

Implements +x. Pops the operand off the stack, call its __pos__ method, and push the result.

Example Sources:



Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... operand
Stack After: ... result

Implements -x. Pops the operand off the stack, call its __neg__ method, and push the result.

Example Sources:



Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... operand
Stack After: ... result

Implements ~x. Pops the operand off the stack, call its __invert__ method, and push the result.

Example Sources:



Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... iterable
Stack After: ... iterator

Pops the iterable off the stack, call its __iter__ method, and push the result. Used to implement for loops.

Example Sources:

# The for loop performs GET_ITER on iterable to get the iterator,
# which is then used by FOR_ITER to loops through iterable items.
for item in iterable:


Python Versions: >= 3.5

Stack Prior: ... iterable
Stack After: ... iterator

If the iterable is a generator iterator or a coroutine, leave it on the stack. Otherwise, call its __iter__ method. Used in yield from expressions.

Example Sources:

# GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER is used to get the
# iterator for [1, 2, 3].
yield from [1, 2, 3]


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... left_operand, right_operand
Stack After: ... result

Perform the binary operator indicated by the opcode’s argument on the top two items on the stack (popping them), and push the result to the top of stack. An binary op can either be inplace or not in place. Inplace opcodes try the binary op’s inplace method first, then fall back to the standard binary op handling. The argument to binary operator mapping can be found in CPython source code. In general, first are the non-inplace opcodes in alphabetical order, followed by the inplace opcodes in alphabetical order.

The left operand is always the first element below the top of stack, and the right operand is always the top of stack. The binary operation is performed as followed:

  • Get the method for the binary operation from the left operand’s type.

  • If the method is present:

    • Call the resolved method with the left and right operands.

    • If the result is not NotImplemented, then it the result of this BINARY_OP and go to the next bytecode instruction.

    • If the result is NotImplemented, treat it as if the left operand’s type did not have the method.

    • If the left operand a builtin type and the method raises a TypeError, treat it as if the left operand’s type did not have the method.

  • If the method is not present:

    • Get the method for the reflected version of the binary operation from the right operand’s type.

    • If the reflected method is present:

      • Call the reflected resolved method with the right and left operands.

      • If the result is not NotImplemented, then it the result of this BINARY_OP and go to the next bytecode instruction.

      • If the result is NotImplemented, treat it as if the right operand’s type did not have the reflected method.

    • If the reflected method is not present, raise a TypeError with the message f"unsupported operand type(s) for {symbol(BINARY_OP)}: '{type(left_operand)}' and '{type(right_operand)}'"

In Python, it would look like this:

def binary_op(BINARY_OP, left_operand, right_operand):
    UNSUPPORTED_OP_MSG = f"unsupported operand type(s) for {symbol(BINARY_OP)}: '{type(left_operand)}' and '{type(right_operand)}'"
    def reflected_binary_op():
        right_method = getattr(type(right_operand), reflected(BINARY_OP), None)
        if right_method is not None:
            reflected_out = right_method(right_operand, left_operand)
            if reflected_out is NotImplemented:
                raise TypeError(UNSUPPORTED_OP_MSG)
                return reflected_out

    if is_in_place(BINARY_OP):
        inplace_method = getattr(type(left_operand), BINARY_OP, None)
        if inplace_method is not None:
            out = inplace_method(left_operand, right_operand)
            if out is not NotImplemented:
                return out
        BINARY_OP = get_standard_binary_op(BINARY_OP)
    left_method = getattr(type(left_operand), BINARY_OP, None)
    if left_method is not None:
            out = left_method(left_operand, right_operand)
            if out is not NotImplemented:
                return out
        except TypeError:
            if type(left_operand) in BUILTIN_TYPES:
                return reflected_binary_op()
    return reflected_binary_op()

Example Sources:

x + 1
x -= y


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... base, exponent
Stack After: ... result

Binary operator corresponding to __pow__ and __rpow__. Implements **.

Example Sources:

base ** expotent


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_factor, right_factor
Stack After: ... product

Binary operator corresponding to __mul__ and __rmul__. Implements *.

Example Sources:

left_factor * right_factor


Python Versions: >= 3.5 and <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_factor, right_factor
Stack After: ... product

Binary operator corresponding to __matmul__ and __rmatmul__. Implements @.

Example Sources:

left_factor @ right_factor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... quotient

Binary operator corresponding to __floordiv__ and __rfloordiv__. Implements //.

Example Sources:

dividend // divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... quotient

Binary operator corresponding to __truediv__ and __rtruediv__. Implements /.

Example Sources:

dividend / divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... modulus

Binary operator corresponding to __mod__ and __rmod__. Implements %.

Example Sources:

dividend % divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... augend, addend
Stack After: ... sum

Binary operator corresponding to __add__ and __radd__. Implements +.

Example Sources:

augend + addend


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... minuend, subtrahend
Stack After: ... difference

Binary operator corresponding to __sub__ and __rsub__. Implements -.

Example Sources:

minuend - subtrahend


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... to_shift, shift
Stack After: ... result

Binary operator corresponding to __lshift__ and __rlshift__. Implements <<.

Example Sources:

to_shift << shift


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... to_shift, shift
Stack After: ... result

Binary operator corresponding to __rshift__ and __rrshift__. Implements >>.

Example Sources:

to_shift >> shift


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_conjunct, right_conjunct
Stack After: ... conjunction

Binary operator corresponding to __and__ and __rand__. Implements &.

Example Sources:

left_conjunct & right_conjunct


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_disjunct, right_disjunct
Stack After: ... disjunction

Binary operator corresponding to __or__ and __ror__. Implements |.

Example Sources:

left_disjunct | right_disjunct


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_disjunct, right_disjunct
Stack After: ... disjunction

Binary operator corresponding to __xor__ and __rxor__. Implements ^.

Example Sources:

left_disjunct ^ right_disjunct


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... base, exponent
Stack After: ... result

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __ipow__, __pow__ and __rpow__. Implements **=.

Example Sources:

base **= expotent


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_factor, right_factor
Stack After: ... product

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __imul__, __mul__ and __rmul__. Implements *.

Example Sources:

left_factor *= right_factor


Python Versions: >= 3.5 and <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_factor, right_factor
Stack After: ... product

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __imatmul__, __matmul__ and __rmatmul__. Implements @=.

Example Sources:

left_factor @= right_factor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... quotient

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __ifloordiv__, __floordiv__ and __rfloordiv__. Implements //=.

Example Sources:

dividend //= divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... quotient

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __itruediv__, __truediv__ and __rtruediv__. Implements /=.

Example Sources:

dividend /= divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... dividend, divisor
Stack After: ... modulus

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __imod__, __mod__ and __rmod__. Implements %=.

Example Sources:

dividend %= divisor


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... augend, addend
Stack After: ... sum

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __iadd__, __add__ and __radd__. Implements +=.

Example Sources:

augend += addend


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... minuend, subtrahend
Stack After: ... difference

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __isub__, __sub__ and __rsub__. Implements -=.

Example Sources:

minuend -= subtrahend


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... to_shift, shift
Stack After: ... result

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __ilshift__, __lshift__ and __rlshift__. Implements <<=.

Example Sources:

to_shift <<= shift


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... to_shift, shift
Stack After: ... result

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __irshift__ , __rshift__ and __rrshift__. Implements >>=.

Example Sources:

to_shift >>= shift


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_conjunct, right_conjunct
Stack After: ... conjunction

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __iand__ , __and__ and __rand__. Implements &=.

Example Sources:

left_conjunct &= right_conjunct


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_disjunct, right_disjunct
Stack After: ... disjunction

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __ior__, __or__ and __ror__. Implements |=.

Example Sources:

left_disjunct |= right_disjunct


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... left_disjunct, right_disjunct
Stack After: ... disjunction

Inplace binary operator corresponding to __ixor__, __xor__ and __rxor__. Implements ^=.

Example Sources:

left_disjunct ^= right_disjunct


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... collection, key
Stack After: ... item

Implements collection[key]. Acts like a binary operator, but does not have a reflective method. Pop the two top items off the stack, calls the __getitem__ method on type(collection) with the arguments collection and key, and push the method result to the top of the stack.

Example Sources:



Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... value, collection, key
Stack After: ...

Implements collection[key] = value. Pop the three top items off the stack, calls the __setitem__ method on type(collection) with the arguments collection, key and value. Does not push the result onto the stack.

Example Sources:

collection[key] = value


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... collection, key
Stack After: ...

Implements del collection[key]. Pop the two top items off the stack, calls the __delitem__ method on type(collection) with the arguments collection and key. Does not push the result onto the stack.

Example Sources:

del collection[key]


Python Versions: >= 3.5

Stack Prior: ... awaitable
Stack After: ... awaitable_iterator

If awaitable is a coroutine or a generator coroutine, leave it as is on the stack. Otherwise, replace awaitable with the result of calling its __await__ method.

Before Python 3.11, this opcode did not have an argument.

After Python 3.11, this opcode has an argument, which indicates where the instruction occurs if non-zero:

  • 1 if after a call to __aenter__

  • 2 if after a call to __aexit__

Example Sources:

await awaitable


Python Versions: >= 3.5

Stack Prior: ... async_iterable
Stack After: ... async_iterator

Pops the async iterable off the stack, call its __aiter__ method, and push the result. Used to implement async for loops.

Example Sources:

# The for loop performs GET_AITER on async_iterable to get the async iterator.
# GET_ANEXT is then called on the async iterator.
# The object returned by GET_ANEXT is sent None,
# and the object returned from the send operation is the next item in the async for loop.
async for item in iterable:

The bytecode in 3.11 looks like this:

      6 LOAD_FAST                0 (iterable)
      8 GET_AITER
================= begin try block =====================
>>   10 GET_ANEXT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+
     12 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)             ^
>>   14 SEND                     3 (to 22) ------+>>+ ^
     16 YIELD_VALUE                              ^  v ^
     18 RESUME                   3               ^  v ^
     20 JUMP_BACKWARD_NO_INTERRUPT     4 (to 14)-+  v ^
================== end try block ===================v=^>v
>>   22 STORE_FAST               1 (item) <<<<<<<<<<+ ^ v
     24 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (NULL + print)     ^ v
     36 LOAD_FAST                1 (item)             ^ v
     38 PRECALL                  1                    ^ v
     42 CALL                     1                    ^ v
     52 POP_TOP                                       ^ v
     54 JUMP_BACKWARD           23 (to 10)>>>>>>>>>>>>+ v
================== begin finally ======================<+
================== end finally ========================


Python Versions: >= 3.5

Stack Prior: ... awaitable_iterator
Stack After: ... awaitable_item

Pops awaitable_iterator off the stack. Calls __anext__ on awaitable_iterator. If the result is a coroutine or a generator coroutine, push it as is on the stack. Otherwise, call the result’s __await__ method and push that to the stack. Used to implement async for loops.

Example Sources:

See GET_AITER for an example.


Python Versions: >= 3.5, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... async_iterable, tb1, ex1, ex_type1, tb2, ex2, ex_type2
Stack After: ...

Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... async_iterable, exception
Stack After: ...

Terminates an async for loop.

Behavior prior to 3.11:

If ex_type2 is StopAsyncIteration, pop 7 values from the stack, restoring exception state from tb1, ex1 and ex_type1. Otherwise, re-raise ex2.

Behavior after 3.11:

If exception is an instance of StopAsyncIteration, pop both async_iterable and exception off the stack. Otherwise, re-raise exception.

Example Sources:

See GET_AITER for an example.


Python Versions: >= 3.5

Stack Prior: ... async_context_manager
Stack After: ... async_exit_function, async_enter_result

Pops async_context_manager off the stack and resolve its __aexit__ and __aenter__ methods. The __aexit__ function is pushed to the stack, followed by the object return by calling __aenter__. Used to implement asynchronous context managers

Example Sources:

async with async_context_manager as async_context:


Python Versions: >= 3.5, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Create the try…​finally block used for asynchronous context managers.

Example Sources:

async with async_context_manager as async_context:


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... to_print
Stack After: ...

Pops off the top of the stack, calls its __repr__ method, and prints the result. Used by the CPython interactive interpreter to print an entered expression. It is never emitted as an opcode in a function.

Example Sources:

It cannot be emitted in a function, and thus has no example sources. It is emitted as the final opcode when the CPython interactive interpreter compiles an expression outside a block.


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

Pops off the top of the stack and call s_i.add(s_0). s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement set comprehensions.

Example Sources:

{point for point in point_list}


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

Pops off the top of the stack and call s_i.append(s_0). s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement list comprehensions.

Example Sources:

[point for point in point_list]


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0, value
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

Pops off the top two items on the stack and call s_i.__setitem__(s_0, value). s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement dict comprehensions.

Example Sources:

{key: value for key, value in item_list}


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... return_value
Stack After: N/A

Returns the item at the top of the stack.

Example Sources:

def function():
    pass # A `return None` is placed at the end of the function
return  # This is actually `return None` in disguise
return value


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Creates a new generator from the current frame. Used to implement generators.

Generators basically act as two separate functions:

  • One outer function that just set locals and return a generator object that wraps the inner function.

  • One inner function that yield values.

In this way, it is similar to returning a new anonymous class in a Java function, where we need to pass the function locals to the anonymous class.

However, unlike Java, the outer function and the inner function share the same bytecode. So a generator will start with the RETURN_GENERATOR opcode (which returns the generator object), followed by the bytecode for the generator.

JPyInterpreter treats this opcode as a no-op, since we use separate classes for the outer function and the inner functions.

Example Sources:

def function():
    # A RETURN_GENERATOR will be placed at the start
    # of the generator


Python Versions: == 3.10

Stack Prior: ... top
Stack After: ...

Pops off the top of stack. This is the first opcode for generators in 3.10. The stack is not empty, since calling a generator is the same as sending the generator None, which push None to the top of the stack. The kind argument indicates what kind of generator it is:

  • 0 is a normal generator.

  • 1 is a coroutine.

  • 2 is an async generator.

Example Sources:

def function():
    # A GEN_START(0) will be placed at the start
    # of the generator


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior:                            ... subgenerator, sent_value
Stack if subgenerator is not exhausted: ... subgenerator, yielded_value
Stack if subgenerator is exhausted:     ... subgenerator

Pops off the top of stack, and sends it to the sub-generator of this generator. If the sub-generator is not exhausted, the yielded value is pushed to the top of the stack. Otherwise, jump forward by target_delta, leaving subgenerator on the stack. Used to implement yield from and await statements.

Example Sources:

# yield from subgenerator is implemented as the following loop
# (with None initially at the top of the stack)
# SEND (sends the top of stack to the subgenerator)
# YIELD_VALUE (returns the yielded value to the caller)
# Before the loop, GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER is used to get the generator
# that will act as the subgenerator
yield from subgenerator
# await is a yield from in disguise,
# and is implemented by the same loop
# Before the loop, GET_AWAITABLE is used to get the awaitable
# that will act as the subgenerator
await awaitable


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... yielded_value
Stack After: ... sent_value

Pops off the top of the stack and yields it to the calling function. The function is then paused, and is resumed by either a .send(sent_value) or .throw(raised_exception) call. If .send(sent_value) is used, that value is pushed to the top of the stack. Otherwise, the exception passed to .throw(raised_exception) is raised at this opcode position. Calling next on a generator acts as generator.send(None).

Example Sources:

# the sent value is ignored here
yield 10
# the sent value is stored in sent_value here
sent_value = yield 10


Python Versions: >= 3.3, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... subgenerator, sent_value
Stack After: ... final_yielded_value

Pops off the top of the stack, and set this generator subgenerator to the element immediately below it. Control is then passed to the subgenerator. If the subgenerator is not a generator but an iterable, it is treated as the following pseudo-generator:

def iterable_generator(iterable):
    for item in iterable:
        sent_value = yield item
        if sent_value is not None:
            raise AttributeError(f"'{type(iter(iterable))}' object has no attribute 'send'")

When the subgenerator is not exhausted, send and throw calls are proxied to it. When the subgenerator is exhausted, its final yielded value is pushed to the top of the stack and this generator resumes.

In Python 3.11 and above, the YIELD_FROM opcode is replaced by a SEND + YIELD_VALUE while loop, as documented in the SEND(target_delta).

Example Sources:

yield from subgenerator


Python Versions: >= 3.6

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Checks if the variable __annotations__ is defined. If __annotations__ is not defined, it is initialized to an empty dict. Otherwise, __annotations__ keep it current value. It is emitted for a class and module bodies which contain static variable annotations. This opcode is not emitted for function bodies.

Example Sources:

class MyClass:
    # SETUP_ANNOTATIONS is emitted here,
    # for a later __annotations__['x'] = int
    # call
    x: int


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... modulevalue
Stack After: ...

Loads all symbols not starting with '_' directly from the module located at the top of the stack to the local namespace. The module is popped after loading all names, whose values are copied to the module’s local variables. This opcode implements from module import *. It is illegal to use from module import * in a function.

Example Sources:

from module import *


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Pops the block that store exception handler information off the stack. Since the JVM store the exception table separate from the bytecode, this is a no-op for JPyInterpreter. In CPython 3.11, the CPython interpreter also stores the exception table separate from the bytecode, removing the need for this opcode.

Example Sources:

    # A POP_BLOCK opcode is placed
    # at the end of a try block.


Python Versions: ALL

Python 3.10 and below

Stack Prior: ... traceback, exception, exception_type
Stack After: ...

Python 3.11 and above

Stack Prior: ... exception
Stack After: ...

Pop off exception data off the stack, which is used to restore the exception state. Before Python 3.11, this pop off three values (traceback, exception and type(exception)). After Python 3.11, this pop off one value (exception). This is placed at the beginning of every except block

Example Sources:

    # A POP_EXCEPT opcode is placed
    # at the beginning of an except block.


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... top
Stack After: ... exception, top

Inserts the currently active exception behind the item currently at the top of stack. Used to allow the current exception to be stored if an except block uses it.

Example Sources:


# A PUSH_EXC_INFO is emitted at the start of the
# try block exception handler, which goes through
# a series of conditional jumps to determine which
# except block to enter.
# The except block then decide if they should store
# the current exception, or pop it off the stack.
except ValueError as e:
except Exception:


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... exception, exception_type
Stack After: ... exception, test_result

Test if exception is an instance of exception_type. If so, it pushes True to the top of stack; otherwise, it pushes False. exception_type is popped off the stack; exception remains on the stack. Used to implement except blocks that catch particular types of exceptions.

Example Sources:

except ValueError:  # CHECK_EXC_MATCH is used here with
                    # exception and ValueError
                    # on the stack.


Python Versions: >= 3.9

If set_f_lasti is not set

Stack Prior: ... exception_or_type
Stack After: N/A

If set_f_lasti is set

Stack Prior: ... index, exception_or_type
Stack After: N/A

The item at the top of the stack is either an exception or type. If it is an exception, throw it. If it is a type, construct and throw a new instance of that type. Used to implement a bare raise in an except block.

Note: CPython uses the index below the exception/type to set the last index if the bytecode argument not 0. JPyInterpreter can ignore the argument, since the JVM keep track of frames for us.

Example Sources:

    raise  # this emits RERAISE


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Before 3.11

Stack Prior: ... exit_function, instruction, stack_size, label, traceback, exception, exception_type
Stack After: N/A

After 3.11

Stack Prior: ... exit_function, traceback, exception, exception_type
Stack After: N/A

Calls exit_function with arguments exception_type, exception, traceback, and push the returned value to the top of the stack. The returned value should be a boolean. If the returned value is Truthy, the context manager handled the exception and execution continue. If the returned value is Falsy, the exception is propagated. If no exception occurred, exception_type, exception, traceback are all None.

Example Sources:

with context:


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... AssertionError

Pushes the type AssertionError onto the stack. Used in assert statements.

Example Sources:

assert False


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... __build_class__

Pushes the function builtins.__build_class__ onto the stack. Used to construct classes. The function signature for __build_class__ is:

def __build_class__(class_body: function,
                    class_name: str,
                    *bases: List[Type],
                    metaclass: Type,
                    **metaclass_parameters: Dict[str, Any]) \
                    -> Type

Example Sources:

class C:

# this translates roughly to:
# __build_class__(<func>, 'C')
class C(A, B):

# this translates roughly to:
# __build_class__(<func>, 'C', A, B)
class C(A, metaclass=M, metaclass_arg=1):

# this translates roughly to:
# __build_class__(<func>, 'C', A, metaclass=M, metaclass_arg=1)


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... context_manager
Stack After: ... exit_function, start_function_result
Stack On Exception: ... instruction, stack_size, label, traceback, exception, exception_type

Pops off the top of the stack, and push its __exit__ function and the result of calling its __enter__ function to the top of the stack. except_delta points to the exception handler for the which block. If an exception occurs, the follow items will be pushed to the stack:

  1. The bytecode instruction index that was executing when the exception happened.

  2. The size of the stack before the with block.

  3. The exception handler label.

  4. The traceback for the exception.

  5. The actual exception.

  6. The type of the exception.

Example Sources:

with context_manager:


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... value
Stack After: ...

Sets either the global or local variable with the name co_names[namei] to the item currently at the top of stack. The top of stack is then popped. This opcode is only emitted for module bodies and classes.

Example Sources:

class C:
    x = 10 # this emits a STORE_NAME('x') opcode
           # with 10 on the top of the stack


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Deletes either the global or local variable with the name co_names[namei]. This opcode is only emitted for module bodies and classes.

Example Sources:

class C:
    x = 10
    del x # this emits a DELETE_NAME('x') opcode


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... iterable
Stack After: ... item_{count - 1}, ..., item_1, item_0

Top of stack is an iterable. In reverse order, push its items to the stack (making the new item at the top of stack the first item in the iterable). The iterable is then popped off the stack. If the iterable does not have exactly count items, a ValueError is raised. The items are received using an iterator loop:

iterator = iter(iterable)
items = []
while True:
    except StopIteration:

Example Sources:

# This is compiled as:
# STORE_FAST('x') (1)
# STORE_FAST('y') (2)
x, y = (1, 2)

UNPACK_EX((high byte) end_index | (low byte) start_index)

Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... iterable
Stack After: ... after_0, after_1, ..., after_{end_index - 1}, extra, before_{start_index - 1}, ..., before_1, before_0

Top of stack is an iterable. Collect its item into a list. Push each item in the slice [-end_index:] to the stack in forward order (empty if end_index == 0). Push a list containing the slice [start_index:end_index] to the stack as a single item. Push each item in the slice [:start_index] in reverse order (empty if start_index == 0). The iterable is then popped off the stack. If the iterable does not have at least start_index + end_index items, a ValueError is raised. The items are received using an iterator loop:

iterator = iter(iterable)
items = []
while True:
    except StopIteration:

before = items[:start_index]
after = items[-end_index:]
extra = items[start_index:end_index]

Example Sources:

# This is compiled as:
# UNPACK_EX((2 << 8) | 1) (= 513)
# STORE_FAST('b_0') (1)
# STORE_FAST('extra') ([2, 3])
# STORE_FAST('a_0') (4)
# STORE_FAST('a_1') (5)
b_0, *extra, a_0, a_1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... value, object
Stack After: ...

Sets the attribute with the name co_names[namei] on the object at the top of the stack to the value immediately below it. Both the object and the value are popped. The value is set by calling the __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) method on the type of object with object, co_names[namei] and value as the arguments.

Example Sources:

# equivalent to
# type(my_object).__setattr__(my_object, 'attribute', value)
my_object.attribute = value


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... object
Stack After: ...

Deletes the attribute with the name co_names[namei] on the object at the top of the stack. The object is then popped off the stack. The value is deleted by calling the __delattr__(self, name: str) method on the type of object with object and co_names[namei] as the arguments.

Example Sources:

# equivalent to
# type(my_object).__delattr__(my_object, 'attribute')
del my_object.attribute


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... value
Stack After: ...

Sets the global variable with the name co_names[namei] to the value currently at the top of the stack. The value is then popped from the stack. Each module has a unique global namespace used to store global variables. Functions in the same module use the same namespace.

Example Sources:

# required, otherwise it be a STORE_FAST
global variable
variable = 5


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Deletes the global variable with the name co_names[namei]. Each module has a unique global namespace used to store global variables. Functions in the same module use the same namespace.

Example Sources:

# required, otherwise it be a DELETE_FAST
global variable
del variable


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... constant

Loads the constant co_constants[consti].

Example Sources:

'A string constant'
1  # an int constant
(1, 2, 3)  # a tuple constant


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... value

Pushes either the global or local variable with the name co_names[namei] to the top of stack. This opcode is only emitted for module bodies and classes.

Example Sources:

class C:
    x # this emits a LOAD_NAME('x') opcode


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... item_0, item_1, ..., item_{count - 1}
Stack After: ... item_tuple

Construct a tuple from the top count items on the stack. The items are placed in the reverse order that they are encountered from the top of stack (making the top of stack the last element). The top count items are then popped from the stack, and the newly constructed tuple is pushed to the stack.

Example Sources:

x = 1
y = 2
z = (x, y)  # This creates a BUILD_TUPLE opcode:
# LOAD_FAST('x')
# LOAD_FAST('y')


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... item_0, item_1, ..., item_{count - 1}
Stack After: ... item_tuple

Construct a list from the top count items on the stack. The items are placed in the reverse order that they are encountered from the top of stack (making the top of stack the last element). The top count items are then popped from the stack, and the newly constructed list is pushed to the stack.

Example Sources:

x = 1
y = 2
z = [x, y]  # This creates a BUILD_LIST opcode:
# LOAD_FAST('x')
# LOAD_FAST('y')


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... item_0, item_1, ..., item_{count - 1}
Stack After: ... item_tuple

Construct a set from the top count items on the stack. The items are placed in the reverse order that they are encountered from the top of stack (making the top of stack the last element). The top count items are then popped from the stack, and the newly constructed set is pushed to the stack. The items lower in the stack are prioritized over items higher in stack (i.e. if item_0 == item_1, then item_0 be added to the set, not item_1).

Example Sources:

x = 1
y = 2
z = {x, y}  # This creates a BUILD_SET opcode:
# LOAD_FAST('x')
# LOAD_FAST('y')


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... , key_0, value_0, key_1, value_1, ..., key_{count - 1}, value_{count - 1}
Stack After: ... item_map

Construct a dict from the top 2 * count items on the stack. The items are put in the reverse order that they are encountered from the top of stack (making the top two items on the stack the last key-value pair). The top 2 * count items are then popped from the stack, and the newly constructed dict is pushed to the stack. The items higher in the stack are prioritized over items higher in stack (i.e. if key_0 == key_1, then key_1 = value_1 be put in the dict, not key_0 = value_0).

Example Sources:

key_0 = 1
value_0 = 2
key_1 = 3
value_1 = 4
z = {
    key_0: value_0,
    key_1: value_1
# This creates a BUILD_MAP opcode:
# LOAD_FAST('key_0')
# LOAD_FAST('value_0')
# LOAD_FAST('key_1')
# LOAD_FAST('value_1')


Python Versions: >= 3.6

Stack Prior: ... , value_0, value_1, ..., value_{count - 1}, key_tuple
Stack After: ... item_map

Construct a dict from the top count + 1 items on the stack. The item at the top of the stack is a tuple of constants of length count, which stores the dict’s keys. There are count items below it representing each key’s corresponding value. The key-value pairs are put in the reverse order that they are encountered from the top of stack (making key_tuple[-1], value_{count - 1} the last key-value pair to be added to the dict). The top count + 1 items are then popped from the stack, and the newly constructed dict is pushed to the stack. The items higher in the stack are prioritized over items higher in stack (i.e. if tuple[0] == tuple[1], then tuple[1] = value_1 be put in the dict, not tuple[0] = value_0).

Example Sources:

value_0 = 1
value_1 = 2
z = {
    'a': value_0,
    'b': value_1
# This creates a BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP opcode:
# LOAD_FAST('value_0')
# LOAD_FAST('value_1')
# LOAD_CONSTANT (('a', 'b'))


Python Versions: >= 3.6

Stack Prior: ... string_0, string_1, ..., string_{count - 1}
Stack After: ... result

Concatenate the top count items on the stack into a single string. Each of the top count items on the stack must be a string. The strings are concatenated from the lowest item up (i.e. string_0 + string_1 + …​ + string_{count - 1}). Used to implement f-strings.

Example Sources:

a = 'before'
b = 'after'
f'{a} {b}'
# Bytecode:


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ... list
Stack After: ... tuple

The top of the stack is a list. Pop off the top of the stack, and replace it with a tuple with the same values in the same order. Used to unpack a list into a tuple.

Example Sources:

(*[1, 2, 3],)
# BUILD_LIST(0) # Construct an empty list
#                 to store the final result
# BUILD_LIST(0) # Construct an empty list
#               # to store the immediate [1, 2, 3]
#               # since lists cannot be constants
# LOAD_CONST((1, 2, 3)) # Load the constant (1, 2, 3)
# LIST_EXTEND(1) # Convert the constant (1, 2, 3)
#                  to [1, 2, 3]
# LIST_EXTEND(1) # Unpacks [1, 2, 3] into the
#                # final result
# LIST_TO_TUPLE # Convert the final result into a tuple


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

The top of the stack is an iterable and s_i is a list. Pop off the top of the stack, and add its contents to s_i. s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement list unpacking.

Example Sources:


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

The top of the stack is an iterable and s_i is a set. Pop off the top of the stack, and add its contents to s_i. The added content will not replace items already in the set. s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement set unpacking.

Example Sources:

{*(1, 2, 3)}
# BUILD_SET(0)  # Create an empty set to
#               # store the result
# LOAD_CONST((1, 2, 3))  # Load the constant (1, 2, 3)
# SET_UPDATE(1)  # Unpacks (1, 2, 3) into the result


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

The top of the stack is an mapping and s_i is a dict. Pop off the top of the stack, and add its contents to s_i. The added content will replace the value assigned to keys already in the dict. s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement dict unpacking.

Example Sources:

    'a': 1,
# BUILD_MAP(1)  # Create a dict with items
#               # ('a', 1)
# LOAD_FAST(n)  # Load b
# DICT_UPDATE(1)  # Unpacks b into the result dict


Python Versions: >= 3.9

Stack Prior: ... s_i, ..., s_1, s_0
Stack After: ... s_i, ..., s_1

The top of the stack is an mapping and s_i is a dict. Pop off the top of the stack, and add its contents to s_i. If the mapping at the top of the stack share any keys with s_i, a TypeError is raised. s_i remains on the stack so it can be reused. Used to implement dict unpacking in function calls.

Example Sources:

my_function(a=1, **b)
# BUILD_MAP(1)  # Create a dict with items
#               # ('a', 1)
# LOAD_FAST(n)  # Load b
# DICT_MERGE(1)  # Unpacks b into the result dict,
                 # raise an exception if b has a value
                 # for the key 'a'


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... object
Stack After: ... attribute

Loads the attribute with the name co_names[namei] on the object at the top of the stack; the top of stack is popped. The value is retrieved by calling the __getattribute__(self, name: str) method on the type of object with object and co_names[namei] as the arguments.

Example Sources:

# equivalent to
# type(my_object).__getattribute__(my_object, 'attribute')


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... left_comparable, right_comparable
Stack After: ... comparison_result

A BINARY_OP(op) that correspond to the comparison operation indicated by the op argument. The comparison operation that op refers to is cmp_op[op] (where cmp_op is defined here). In particular:

  • 0 corresponds to __lt__ (normal) and __gt__ (reflected)

  • 1 corresponds to __le__ (normal) and __ge__ (reflected)

  • 2 corresponds to __eq__ (normal) and __eq__ (reflected)

  • 3 corresponds to __ne__ (normal) and __ne__ (reflected)

  • 4 corresponds to __gt__ (normal) and __lt__ (reflected)

  • 5 corresponds to __ge__ (normal) and __le__ (reflected)

The top two items on the top of the stack are popped, the comparison operation is performed, and the result (not necessary a boolean) is pushed to the top of the stack.

Example Sources:

left_comparable < right_comparable
left_comparable == right_comparable


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... left, right
Stack After: ... is_same

Pop off the top two items on the stack. Push True if the two items refer to the same reference, False otherwise. If invert == 1, then the result is negated.

Example Sources:

left = []
right = []
left is right  # False
left = []
right = left
left is right  # True
left is not right


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... query, container
Stack After: ... is_contained

Pop the two top items off the stack. The top item is the container, and the item immediately below it is the query. If container has a __contain__(self, object) method, it is called, and its result is converted to a boolean value (i.e. None is converted to True). Otherwise, an iterator is obtained by calling the __iter__ method on container. If the iterator returns an object equal to query, True is pushed to the stack. If the iterator get exhausted before that, False is pushed to the stack. If the iterator is infinite and does not contain query, an infinite loop occurs. If invert == 1, then the result is negated.

Example Sources:

1 in (1, 2, 3)
1 not in (1, 2, 3)


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... level, from_list
Stack After: ... module

Calls the _import_ builtin function with the arguments co_names[namei], globals(), locals(), from_list and level. The top two elements of the stack are popped, and the imported module is pushed. from_list can either be None or a list of strings containing names to import from the module. level indicates if the import is absolute or relative. If level is 0, then it is an absolute import (the default). Otherwise, level indicates how many parents directories need to be navigated to perform the relative import (for instance, 1 is same directory as the current module, 2 is parent directory of the current module, 3 is the parent of the parent directory). The namespace is not modified; that is done by a subsequent [STORE_FAST[namei]] instruction(s).

Example Sources:

import module
from module import a, b, c


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... module
Stack After: ... module, attribute

Loads the attribute with the name co_names[namei] from the module that is on the top of the stack. The top of stack is not popped, and the loaded attribute is pushed to the top of the stack. The namespace is not modified; that is done by a subsequent [STORE_FAST[namei]] instruction(s).

Example Sources:

from module import a, b, c


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Performs a forced relative jump forward by target_delta addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement skipping unentered blocks in if…​elif…​else blocks and skipping exception handlers in try…​except…​finally blocks.

Example Sources:

if cond:
    x = 1
    # a JUMP_FORWARD is put here
    # to skip the else
    x = 2
return x * 2


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Performs a forced relative jump backwards by target_delta addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). CPython checks for interrupts during this instruction. Used to implement for and while True loops.

Example Sources:

for item in iterable:
    # a JUMP_BACKWARD is put here
    # to jump back to the start of
    # the FOR_ITER instruction
    # (which ends the loop if the
    #  iterator is exhausted)
while True:
    # a JUMP_BACKWARD is put here
    # to jump back to the start of
    # the while block


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Performs a forced relative jump backwards by target_delta addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). CPython does not checks for interrupts during this instruction. Used to implement yield from statements.

Example Sources:

yield from generator
# jump back to the SEND opcode (which will
# break out of the loop when the generator
# is exhausted).


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is truthy, jump to target, which represents an absolute address (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a negated condition in an if…​elif…​else chain or start of a while loop.

Example Sources:

if not cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE
              # is put here to jump
              # to else if cond is truthy
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
while not cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE
                 # is put here to skip
                 # the loop if cond is
                 # truthy


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is truthy, jump forward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a negated condition in an if…​elif…​else chain.

Example Sources:

if not cond:  # A POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_TRUE
              # is put here to jump to else
              # if cond is truthy
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
while not cond:  # A POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_TRUE
                 # is put here to skip
                 # the loop if cond is
                 # truthy


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is truthy, jump backward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement looping in a while loop.

Example Sources:

while cond:
    # A POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_TRUE is put here
    # with a test on cond


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is falsely, jump to target, which represents an absolute addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a positive condition in an if…​elif…​else chain.

Example Sources:

if cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE is
          # put here to jump to else
          # else if cond is falsely
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
while cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE
             # is put here to skip
             # the loop if cond is
             # falsely


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is falsely, jump forward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a positive condition in an if…​elif…​else chain.

Example Sources:

if cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE is
          # put here to jump to else
          # else if cond is falsely
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
while cond:  # A POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE
             # is put here to skip
             # the loop if cond is
              # falsely


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... condition
Stack After: ...

If condition is falsely, jump backward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement looping in a negated while loop.

Example Sources:

while not cond:
    # A POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_FALSE is put here
    # with a test on cond


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

If item is not None, jump forward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a is None condition in an if…​elif…​else chain.

Example Sources:

if item is None:  # POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_NOT_NONE
                  # is put here to jump to else
                  # if item is not None
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
# is put here to skip
# the loop if cond is
# truthy
while item is None:



Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

If condition is falsely, jump backward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement looping in a while item is not None loop.

Example Sources:

while item is not None:
    # is put here with a test on item


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

If item is None, jump forward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement going to the next block when there a is not None condition in an if…​elif…​else chain.

Example Sources:

if item is not None:  # POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_NONE
                  # is put here to jump to else
                  # if item is not None
    print('case 1')
    print('case 2')
# is put here to skip
# the loop if cond is
# truthy
while item is not None:



Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ... item
Stack After: ...

If condition is falsely, jump backward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement looping in a while item is None loop.

Example Sources:

while item is None:
    # is put here with a test on item


Python Versions: >= 3.9, <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... exception_type, test_type
Stack After: ...

If exception_type is not a subclass of test_type, jump to target, which represents an absolute address (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to determine which except block to enter.

Example Sources:

except ValueError as e:
    # JUMP_IF_NOT_EXC_MATCH is used here
    # with type(e), ValueError on the stack


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior:            ... item
Stack After if truthy:  ... item
Stack After if falsely: ...

If item is truthy, jump to target and keep item on the stack. Otherwise, pop item from the stack.

In Python 3.10 and below, target is an absolute address. In Python 3.11 and above, target is a relative address (see Instruction Addressing for details).

Used to implement or.

Example Sources:

# if a is truthy, b is not evaluated at all
# since JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP jumps past it
# as such, after this statement,
# the stack is either:
# a, if a is truthy
# b, if a is falsely
a or b


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior:            ... item
Stack After if truthy:  ... item
Stack After if falsely: ...

If item is falsely, jump to target and keep item on the stack. Otherwise, pop item from the stack.

In Python 3.10 and below, target is an absolute address. In Python 3.11 and above, target is a relative address (see Instruction Addressing for details).

Used to implement and.

Example Sources:

# if a is falsely, b is not evaluated at all
# since JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP jumps past it
# as such, after this statement,
# the stack is either:
# a, if a is falsely
# b, if a is truthy
a and b


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Jump to target, which represents an absolute address (see Instruction Addressing for details). Used to implement looping in for and while loops.

Example Sources:

for item in iterable:
    # a JUMP_ABSOLUTE to FOR_ITER is placed here
while True:
    # a JUMP_ABSOLUTE to place here


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior:                  ... iterator
Stack After if not exhausted: ... iterator item
Stack After if exhausted:     ...

If the iterator at the top of the stack is exhausted, jump forward by target_delta, which represents a relative addresses (see Instruction Addressing for details) and pop iterator off the stack. Otherwise, keep iterator on the stack, and push its next item (obtained by calling iterator.__next__()) to the top of the stack.

In Python code, it looks like this:

while True:
        item = next(iterator)
    except StopIteration:
    # ... The for block

Used to implement for loops.

Example Sources:

for item in iterable:


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After (1): ... global
Stack After (2): ... NULL, global

Prior 3.11:

Push the global variable with the name co_names[namei] to the top of the stack.

After 3.11:

Push the global variable with the name co_names[namei >> 1] to the top of the stack. If namei & 1 is set, push NULL before the global variable.

Used to read global variables.

Example Sources:

global variable
# NULL will not be pushed here after 3.11
global function
# NULL will be pushed here after 3.11


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior:        ...
Stack After:        ...
Stack On Exception: ... instruction, stack_size, label, traceback, exception, exception_type

Creates a try block whose handler is at the given target_delta relative address (see Instruction Addressing for details). The try block starts at this instruction, and ends at the start of its handler. When an exception occurs, the stack prior to the SETUP_FINALLY is restored, and the following is pushed to the stack:

  • The instruction index that created the block (i.e. this SETUP_FINALLY address)

  • The stack depth at the time the block was created

  • The exception handler start address

  • The traceback for the exception

  • The exception itself

  • The type of the exception

Used to implement try blocks.

Example Sources:

    # A SETUP_FINALLY is emitted here, which
    # points to the except block


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... local

Push the local variable with the name co_varnames[var_num] to the top of the stack. Used to read local variables.

Example Sources:



Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... value
Stack After: ...

Pops off the top item on the stack and sets the local variable with the name co_varnames[var_num] to it. Used to set local variables.

Example Sources:

variable = value


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Deletes the local variable with the name co_varnames[var_num]. Used to implement del variable.

Example Sources:

del variable


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Creates a new cell in slot i. If that slot is not empty then that value is stored into the new cell. Used to initialize cell variables. This is a NOP for JPyInterpreter, which initializes cell variables at function definition.

Example Sources:

def outer_function():
    # MAKE_CELL will be emitted here for a,
    # since it is used in inner_function
    a = 10
    def inner_function():
        nonlocal a
def outer_function(a):
    # MAKE_CELL will be emitted here for a,
    # since it is used in inner_function
    def inner_function():
        nonlocal a


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Copies the n free variables from the closure into the frame. Removes the need for special code on the caller’s side when calling closures. This is a NOP for JPyInterpreter, which initializes free variables at function definition.

Example Sources:

def outer_function():
    a = 10
    def inner_function():
        # COPY_FREE_VARS(1) is emitted here
        nonlocal a
def outer_function(a):
    def inner_function():
        # COPY_FREE_VARS(1) is emitted here
        nonlocal a


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... cell

Loads the cell (not its value) in slot i as described by Cell Variable Index. A cell corresponds to either a shared or free variable. Used to pass shared variables from an outer function to an inner function (where they be free variables).

Example Sources:

def outer():
    x = 10
    # LOAD_CLOSURE(x) is generated here
    # so x's cell can be put into a tuple
    # that is passed to inner's MAKE_FUNCTION
    # (allowing inner to access it).
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        return x


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... cell_value

Loads the value contained in the cell at slot i as described by Cell Variable Index. A cell corresponds to either a shared or free variable. Used to read shared and free variables.

Example Sources:

def outer():
    x = 10
    print(x)  # LOAD_DEREF(x) is used here
              # since x is used in inner
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        # ...
def outer():
    x = 10
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        print(x) # LOAD_DEREF(x) is used here
                 # since x is a free variable


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... cell_value

If locals has a variable corresponding to the name of slot i, push its value. Otherwise, push the value contained in the cell at slot i as described by Cell Variable Index. A cell corresponds to either a shared or free variable. Used to read shared and free variables in class bodies.

Example Sources:

def outer():
    x = 10
    class InnerClass:
        my_value = x # LOAD_CLASSDEREF(x) is
                     # used here since x is a
                     # free variable in a class
                     # body.


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... cell_value
Stack After: ...

Pop off the top of the stack and sets the value contained in the cell at slot i as described by Cell Variable Index to the popped value. A cell corresponds to either a shared or free variable. Used to set shared and free variables.

Example Sources:

def outer():
    x = 10  # STORE_DEREF(x) is used here
            # since x is used in inner
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        # ...
def outer():
    x = 10
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        x = 20   # STORE_DEREF(x) is used here
                 # since x is a free variable
    print(x) # 20


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Deletes the value contained in the cell at slot i as described by Cell Variable Index. The actual cell is NOT deleted, but has no associated value. A cell corresponds to either a shared or free variable. Used to delete shared and free variables.

Example Sources:

def outer():
    x = 10
    del x  # DELETE_DEREF(x) is used here
           # since x is used in inner
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        # ...
def outer():
    x = 10
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        del x    # DELETE_DEREF(x) is used here
                 # since x is a free variable


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior (argc = 0): ...
Stack Prior (argc = 1): ... exception
Stack Prior (argc = 2): ... exception cause
Stack After: N/A

Does one of three things depends on argc:

  • If argc = 0, reraise the last raised exception. Used to implement a bare raise in an except block.

  • If argc = 1, the top of stack is either an exception or an exception type. If it is an exception instance, raise it; otherwise, create a new instance of the exception type. Used to implement raise Exception and raise Exception()

  • If argc = 2, the top of stack is an exception and the item immediately below it is an exception or an exception type. If exception is an exception instance, set its __cause__ to cause and raise it. Otherwise, construct a new instance of exception, set its __cause__ to cause and raise it. Used to implement raise Exception from cause and raise Exception() from cause.

Example Sources:

    # ...
    raise  # argc = 0
raise Exception  # argc = 1
raise Exception()  # argc = 1
raise Exception from cause  # argc = 2
raise Exception() from cause  # argc = 2


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

Sets the keyword names for the next CALL(argc) opcode to the tuple of strings stored in co_consts[consti]. Used to implement calling a function with keyword arguments

Example Sources:

# Assume co_const[3] = ('a', 'b'),
# then KW_NAMES(3) would be emitted here
my_function(a=1, b=2)


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

A NOP. CPython uses it to allow the specialization of function calls. argc is the number of arguments as described in CALL(argc). Used when calling a function.

Example Sources:

# A PRECALL(3) is put here
my_function(1, 2, a=3)


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ... NULL

Pushes NULL to the top of the stack. Used in the call sequence to match the NULL pushed by LOAD_METHOD(namei) for non-method calls.

Example Sources:

# 3
# A PUSH_NULL is used here
my_function(1, 2, a=3)


Python Versions: >= 3.11

Stack Prior (1): ... NULL, callable, arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_{argc}
Stack Prior (2): ... method, object, arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_{argc}
Stack After:     ... return_value

Calls a function from the top argc + 2 items on the stack. The first argc items on the stack are the arguments to the function. For the arguments, the keyword names internal variable length is checked, and the top len(keyword names) items are keyword arguments, and the bottom argc - len(keyword names) items are positional arguments. The two items below the arguments are either:

  • An unbound method object and an object

  • NULL and an arbitrary callable

If it is NULL and an arbitrary callable, the given positional and keyword arguments are used. If it is an unbound method object and an object, object is inserted as the first item in the positional argument list. All the arguments and the two items below the arguments are popped, and the result of the function call is pushed to the top of the stack. The keyword names are reset to an empty list after this call. Used to implement function calls that do not unpack an iterable or mapping.

Example Sources:

# This is a CALL in NULL, CALLABLE form
my_function(1, 2, a=3)
# This is a CALL in METHOD, OBJECT form
my_object.my_function(1, 2, a=3)


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... callable, arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_{argc}
Stack After: ... return_value

Calls a function from the top argc + 1 items on the stack. The first argc items on the stack are the positional arguments to the function (there are no keyword arguments). The item below the arguments is the callable to call. All the arguments and the item below them are popped, and the result of the function call is pushed to the top of the stack. Used to implement function calls without keyword arguments.

Example Sources:

# This is CALL_FUNCTION(3)
function(1, 2, 3)


Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior: ... callable, arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_{argc}, kw_names
Stack After: ... return_value

Calls a function from the top argc + 2 items on the stack. The item on the top of the stack is a tuple containing the names of keyword arguments. The argc items below that are the arguments to the function. For the arguments, the tuple at the top of the stack length is checked, and the top len(keyword names) items are keyword arguments, and the bottom argc - len(keyword names) items are positional arguments. The item below the arguments is the callable to call. The keyword argument name tuple, arguments and the callable are popped and the result of the function call is pushed to the top of the stack. Used to implement function calls with keyword arguments.

Example Sources:

# This is CALL_FUNCTION_KW(3) with
# the tuple ('arg_1',) at the top of the stack
function(1, 2, arg_1=3)


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior (1): ... function, iterable
Stack Prior (2): ... function, iterable, mapping
Stack Prior (3): ... NULL, function, iterable
Stack Prior (4): ... NULL, function, iterable, mapping
Stack After: ... return_value

There are two modes for this function, controlled by its flags:

  • If flags & 1 is set, this is a function call with both positional and keyword arguments, and the stack contains callable, iterable, mapping. The items in the iterable and mapping are unpacked, and are used to make the function call. Used to implement function(*iterable, **mapping)

  • If flags & 1 is unset, this is a function call with only positional arguments, and the stack contains callable, iterable. The items in the iterable are unpacked and are used to make the function call. Used to implement function(*iterable)

If the Python version is at least 3.11, a NULL is put beneath callable. In all cases, the argument containers, callable (and possibly NULL) are popped and the returned value is pushed to the top of the stack.

Used to implement function calls that unpack arguments.

Example Sources:

function(1, 2, 3, *iterable)
function(*iterable, **mapping)
function(1, arg=1, *iterable)


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior:     ... object
Stack After (1): ... unbound_method, object
Stack After (2): ... function, NULL
Stack After (3): ... NULL, function

Load the method with the name co_names[namei] from the object at the top of the stack. If the method exists (and is an instance method, not a class method, static method or a callable), the unbounded method is put beneath the object at the top of the stack. Otherwise, the object at the top of the stack is popped, attribute lookup is performed, and the result of the lookup is pushed to the stack (with a NULL either before or after the lookup result depending on the Python version). Used to implement attribute lookups for function calls.

Example Sources:

# This emits LOAD_METHOD



Python Versions: <= 3.10

Stack Prior (1): ... method, object, arg_1, ..., arg_{argc}
Stack Prior (2): ... callable, NULL, arg_1, ..., arg_{argc}
Stack After:     ... return_value

Calls a method with argc positional arguments (and no keyword arguments). The top argc items on the stack are the positional arguments. The item immediately below the argument is either an object (which will be used as the self parameter) or NULL. The item below that is either an unbound method or a callable to call. All the arguments, the object/NULL, and the method/callable are all popped, and the return value is pushed to the top of the stack. Used to implement method calls.

Example Sources:

# This emits CALL_METHOD


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... [default_positional_args], [default_keyword_args], [annotation_directory_or_tuple], [cell_tuple], function_code, [function_name]
Stack After: ... function

Creates a function from the code object. Expected stack varies depending on flags and Python version.

  • If the Python version is prior to 3.11, at the top of the stack is the qualified name of the function, with the code object for the function below it. Otherwise, at the top of the stack is the code object (and the qualified name of the function is received via the code object).

  • If flags & 8 is set, the next item below is a tuple containing the closure for the created function. The closure is a tuple that consists of the cells the inner function shares with the outer function.

  • If flags & 4 is set, the next item below are the annotations for the created function. Prior to 3.10, this is a tuple containing (key, value) pairs. After 3.10, this is a dict.

  • If flags & 2 is set, the next item below are the default values for keyword-only arguments (as a dict).

  • Finally, if flags & 1 is set, the next item below are the default values for allow-positional arguments (as a tuple).

All these items are popped off the stack and are used to create a new function object, which is pushed to the top of the stack. Used to create inner functions.

Example Sources:

def outer():
    fun_list = []
    for i in range(10):
        # MAKE_FUNCTION(1)
        def inner(value=i):
            return value
    fun_list[0]() # 0 because it
                  # the default parameter
                  # for fun_list[0]
def outer():
    for i in range(10):
        # MAKE_FUNCTION(8)
        def inner():
            return i
    fun_list[0]() # 9 because
                  # it the current value of i
def outer():
    # on the stack is either
    # (('a', str),) or {'a': str}
    # depending on Python version
    def inner(a: str):
        return a
def outer():
    def inner(*, keyword_arg=1):
        return keyword_arg


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior (argc=2): ... start, end
Stack Prior (argc=3): ... start, end, step
Stack After:          ... function

At the top of the stack is either two or three items depending on argc:

  • If argc = 2, at the top of the stack are two objects to use as the start and end index of a slice.

  • If argc = 3, at the top of the stack are three objects to use as the start, end and step of a slice.

Any items on the stack that are not int or None are converted to int by calling their __index__() method. The arguments are popped, and the created slice is pushed to the top of the stack. Used to implement slice indexing.

Example Sources:




Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ...
Stack After: ...

A NOP. Used to extend an opcode argument range beyond one byte by prefixing up to three EXTENDED_ARG opcodes before it.

Example Sources:

# Dynamic list of length 260,
# which is too large to fit into a byte (256)
# So EXTENDED_ARG is used to extend
# BUILD_LIST argument like so:
# = BUILD_LIST(0x0104 = 260)
 a[0x00], a[0x01], a[0x02], a[0x03],
 a[0x04], a[0x05], a[0x06], a[0x07],
 # ...
 a[0xFC], a[0xFD], a[0xFE], a[0xFF],
 a[0x100], a[0x101], a[0x102], a[0x103]


Python Versions: ALL

Stack Prior: ... object, [format_spec]
Stack After: ... formatted_string

Formats an object with an optional format specifier string. Acts different depending on flags:

  • If flags & 4 is set, there is a format specifier on the top of the stack, with the object to format below it. Otherwise, the object to format is at the top of the stack (and None will be used as the format specifier).

  • If (flags & 3) == 0, the object is formatted as is.

  • If (flags & 3) == 1, the object is converted via str() before formatting.

  • If (flags & 3) == 2, the object is converted via repr() before formatting.

  • If (flags & 3) == 3, the object is converted via ascii() before formatting.

Example Sources:

f'{my_object}'    # FORMAT_VALUE(0)
f'{my_object!s}'  # FORMAT_VALUE(1)
f'{my_object!r}'  # FORMAT_VALUE(2)
f'{my_object!a}'  # FORMAT_VALUE(3)
f'{my_object:my_spec}'  # FORMAT_VALUE(4)
f'{my_object!s:my_spec}'  # FORMAT_VALUE(5)